Starting a Health Blog? 12 Things You Must Know

Are you thinking of starting a health blog? if yes then in this article I have share 12 must-know things you should consider before launching your health blog.
Starting a Health Blog
Health is a trendy topic. And it is trendy not even because a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable. It is trendy because health is the most valuable human resource and the issues associated with it will always bother most people who value their lives. And if you decide to start a health blog and help people with your advice, then this is a wonderful mission. We, in turn, have compiled a long list of factors that you need to consider before you start.
You Accept Responsibility for Other People’s Health
So this is the most important thing you should know. People will read your advice and opinions and listen to them. They will make decisions regarding their main resource – health. And they may make decisions just being inspired by your advice.
Therefore, the first thing you need to know before creating a blog about health is that now your readers share their responsibility for their health with you. If you are not ready to accept this, then it is better not to start. A single principle applies to everything related to health – do not harm.
There Is No Place for Fantasy, There Is a Place for Science
A health blog must have a strong scientific foundation. If it were a blog about art, where you would express your personal opinion – you are welcome to fantasize as much as you want. But when it comes to health, you can only rely on science.
This means that each of your articles will have to have strong scientific evidence, plus links to sources, plus statistical and graphical data, plus your interpretation of a particular problem and its solution. And by the way, think about how much time each such preliminary research and writing of the article itself will take.
Focus on One Important Issue / One Target Audience
Health is a very broad concept. And it is impossible to cover all topics at once. You need to find a clearly defined niche and target audience, and try to solve its problems.
At the same time, this problem should not be so narrow that the ideas for the posts end too quickly, and also should not be too wide because in this case, you will not be able to get the most targeted readers. Try to find a middle ground and foresee the prospects for your development.
You Will Constantly Be Forced to Catch Trends
A healthy lifestyle is a trend in itself, but your users’ requests may change from time to time. For example, ten years ago, the public went crazy about discussing AIDS. Today, unfortunately, the topic has remained relevant, but the hype around it has subsided. People have learned to live with it.
Therefore, for your articles to be relevant and arouse interest, you will have to look for such hype topics and give readers your vision of the problem. Plus, human health often depends on seasonality. In autumn, we think about how to stop catching a cold every two weeks, in winter about how to cure a bruise from falling on ice, in spring – how to support ourselves with vitamins, and in summer how to protect our children from sunstroke. Think about all these factors as well.
You, Will, Have to Become a Personal Example of a Healthy Lifestyle
Agree, it would be at least strange to get advice on how to stay healthy from a person who smokes and enjoys coffee with cognac. Remember, creating a health blog is the first step to starting your personal brand.
It is your personality as an individual supporting a healthy lifestyle that comes to the fore here. And the best way to show users your identity is to integrate the blog with social networks and to follow one strategy both in the blog and in social profiles.
The Way of Monetizing Your Blog Is Important
If you are creating your blog about health, not only for the soul, and not only with a great mission to help people, but also to earn money with it, then you should think in advance how you will do it.
We recommend that you consider the possibility of affiliate programs, but this will only be possible after the blog has a more or less stable audience. The advantage of this approach is that you can advertise those products that are relevant to the topics that you reveal on your blog, and make life easier for your readers.
Or, for example, you can co-operate with hospitals in your city, and give recommendations which specialist is better to choose for a particular issue. However, this can only be done if you are 100% sure of the reliability of the doctor.
You Need to Have at Least 10 Good Ideas for the First Articles
It is unreasonable to start a blog without understanding what you will write about and how you will reach your first targeted visitors. Therefore, before you begin active steps to create a blog about health, we recommend that you come up with at least ten interesting and discussed topics that you can reveal in your first articles.
Think over the structure of each article and select scientific materials. It also makes sense to make rough illustrations or at least screenshots of graphic and statistical materials that you will use. And also pick up relevant keywords, but more on that in the next paragraph.
You Must Not Forget About SEO
Even if you plan to promote your blog in other ways, SEO still matters. This is what will work for the good of your blog while you work on other tasks for its development. Therefore, be sure to consider your SEO strategy. Be sure to analyze your competitors and understand what SEO techniques they use. The least you can do is collect a semantic core of keywords for each of your articles that you plan to write.
You Already Have Many Competitors
As we already said, a healthy lifestyle is now in the trend. And that is wonderful. However, for you, this means that the network is already full of competitors’ blogs, which also write about health. The only way to occupy your niche and stand out from the competition is to find your unique advantage that will be useful to your readers.
For example, you can leave links to scientific literature after your articles so that readers can delve deeper into the topic in more detail, you can explain complex things in simple words or help your users interpret scientific research graphics and understand the results.
Advertising on Your Blog Should Be Useful
We have already said a few words about advertising and ways to monetize your blog, but remember, if you only advertise to put a few dollars in your pocket, this will not work. You must provide useful advertising that will meet the needs of users. For example, if you have a blog about the health of children under one-year-old, then hypoallergenic diaper advertising would be appropriate.
Your Content Should Give Clear Answers
Think about the readability and usability of your content in advance. Most often, users who read your blog will come to you with a specific question, for example, why does my head hurt? Your task is to predict these questions, make your content readable and respond as clearly and thoroughly as possible.
All Pages on Your Blog Should Load Quickly
You should be aware of this requirement because it is related to the specific behavior of your users. Most of them will most likely be worried about their state of health or some single alarming symptom, but so far they may not see enough reason to see a doctor. Therefore, they will seek answers to their questions on the blog. Use Best hosting companies like A2Hosting to host your blog.
And since the state of health concern causes additional irritability, articles should load very quickly. If you do not take this into account, then behavioral factors, when users close the page without waiting for the content to load, will spoil your effect of SEO promotion.
These were just the things you need to consider before creating a healthy blog. If we talk about the process of creation, development, and support, then here we can write many more guides. In any case, since you have decided to implement this idea, let’s win.
Donald Fomby is a translator and editor at PickWriters. Besides doing his work as an editor and writer, Donald has been applying his knowledge of psychology and project management in order to contribute some valuable insights to project managers who want to find and apply best practices and innovative approaches to their team strategy.
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