How to Make Money Blogging and Practice Blogging for Money

If you are wondering how I make money blogging? or Do you want to generate high passive income from blogging? worry not in this post I have covered everything how you can make money from your blog.
Blogging can be more than just your hobby or a platform for sharing your original ideas. It can be your job. Meaning that blogging can bring you enough money so that you can forget about 9 to 5 jobs. If you make it in the blogging world, you’ll be getting a passive income from the constant stream of traffic and conversions.
Blogging For Money
Passive income will enable you to collect a check each month even though you’re only making content updates. However, for you to get to that point, you need initial work, persistence, and determination.
If blogging is your dream job, and you genuinely wish to know how to generate high passive income from it, here are some ways that can help you make that dream a reality.
Everyone is doing blogging for money now, however, your priority should not just create content for the money you should create content to build your loyal audience. Let me quickly show you some points on how to start blogging for money.
Find Your Purpose
To make some real money from something means that you genuinely have passion and expertise in that field. Do you think that Facebook would come into existence if Mark hadn’t been completely surrendered to that project?
Before you start with your big ideas about making money online with blogging, you should first know what your purpose is in the blogging world.
Finding your niche and the authentic approach you want to take in your blog is essential for standing out in the crowd.
As you probably already know, blogging is quite a competitive industry, and you need to be wholly devoted and passionate about the thoughts and advice you share if you want to make it work.
In case you’ve already found your niche, you can skip this step, but if you haven’t, make sure to dedicate some time to it.
Once you find the purpose you want to serve in the blogging community, do thorough research about that niche. You first need to become an expert before you start writing like one.
Focus on Your Highest-Converting Content
If you already have yourself a few pages that your target audience is smitten with, use that content as the base for the future ones.
Your highest-converting content shows you what type of topics, structure, or ideas your audience supports and wants to know more.
Highly converted articles don’t have to be the high-traffic articles, so differentiate that from the very start.
The objective is to increase the number of viewers on the content that matters to them, not to get more views in general.
Once you identify the highest-converting content, use that as a guide and inspiration to create new content that addresses similar ideas.
Provide Specific Solutions
Rambling on for pages and throwing empty words at the readers won’t help you to make it in the blogging world.
You might have heard that longer posts are better for SEO, and now you’re creating blocks of content that provide irrelevant information. Such an approach will only turn the readers away and get them to forget about your blog for good.
Provide readers with solutions to their problems if you want to keep them around.
The solution should be:
- specific
- original
- relevant
- clear
- informative
- helpful
One post should tackle one problem, that is, provide one answer. If you try to mix it up and deal with more than one idea in a single post, the readers might get confused. Therefore, try to keep it simple and useful.
Make a Profit on Your Resources/ Templates
Sherry, the blog owner of Save Spend Splurge, found a way to make the most out of the template she made for personal use.
Like most students, after college, she was left with $60,000 in debt. Instead of carrying this burden for years and years, she made a budgeting template in Excel that helped her to get back her mortgage in 18 months.
This little creation proved to be quite successful, so she decided to make an income from it by offering it on her blog for $50. She made a “Budget” page on her blog, named the template “The Budgeting Tool,” and so the earning begun.

If you have in your possession a resource or template that you find to be useful and effective, your readers might be interested in buying it.

For example, you might be the envy of your friends because of your fantastic travel checklist so that you can sell it as a trip-planning checklist. In India, you can sell via Instamojo or Outside India via PayPal or with other Paypal alternatives.
You may have an idea about a resource that you can contribute, so put your efforts into its realization.
Get into Affiliate Marketing
If you’ve heard that people mention products in their blog, add a link to it and earn money, you should know that isn’t a myth – that is affiliate marketing.
“The way that affiliate marketing works are that you mention the product or service in your blog and add an affiliate link. When the reader clicks that link to buy that product, you get paid as well; that is, you get the affiliate commission,” explains Gregory Willis, a digital marketer for TheWordPoint and freelance writer.
Let’s say that you are running a beauty products review blog or lifestyle blog, and you want to share your everyday skincare routine. Once you’ve partnered up with a company that’s a product you use, provide the readers with a link that instantly leads them to the purchasing page for that product.
Some companies even give their affiliate bloggers with a discount that they can share with their readers. In that way, the reader who decides to purchase the product through that link will get a discount. If you are confused about how to find affiliate programs then refer this guide on best affiliate marketing programs.
You’ll get paid for sharing the link, the company will increase sales, and the reader will get a reasonable price – everyone wins!
To establish such cooperation, you need to sign up for a company’s affiliate program. For example, Amazon is a popular affiliate partner.
Jared Attchison shared some useful tips and examples on how affiliate marketing works so you can check out his blog post.
Write an EBook
Considering that you want to make a living out of blogging, I guess that it is safe to say that you love writing, and you’re good at it.
Take your talent to the next level and write an ebook. Your blog can be your promotional platform to get your selling rates up.
If you already have your loyal readers and you write a book about the topic in their area of interest, you shouldn’t have any problem getting them to buy your book. Since those readers are already enjoying your blog posts, you’ll know what type of content they like.
Tracy Gillett started her parenting blog Raised Good in 2015. In 2016, she wrote an ebook called “The Lost Art of Natural Parenting.” Her blog serves as her selling channel in addition to publishing blog posts.

Once the viewers purchase the book (the price is $17), they can download it and start reading. The beauty of ebooks is that there is no hassle with handling and shipping as there is with physical books.
If you want to sell your ebooks then you can use platforms like Instamojo in India & Gumroad if you want to sell internationally.
Make an Online Course
The online education industry has become a $107 billion industry. That says it all about how much people appreciate online education.
For that reason, many bloggers have decided to share their skills in the form of a course and sell them to their readers.
The course is created in advance so don’t worry about spending your time with each every one of your students. The course-creation platforms you can use are:
For example, if you have a photography blog, create a course on photography that will help your readers to improve their skills.
When it comes to pricing, bloggers’ prices for a course range from $100 to $1,000, the amount should depend on the value that the course offers and on the ultimate goal that you promised course-takers to achieve.
Incorporate Popular Topics
While the content always needs to be relevant to your target niche and your target audience, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make use out of popular topics.
Of course, the popular topics you want to address should be correlated with your niche; however, they can give you an original idea that your readers will find attractive.
Some of the popular topics that readers like are:
- Organization tips
- How to get your life in order
- Saving money
- Making money
- Overcoming an emotional difficulty
What makes these topics accessible is that they are something that will all cope with, and therefore, people thrive on getting tips and information that can help them.
If you are running a travel blog, you can share organizational tips on how to pack the suitcase or travel on a low budget. Those who run parenting blogs can address how to cope with leaving the child in the daycare for the first time.
These are the topics that people will always go to because such troubles won’t cease to exist.
While many bloggers make high passive income through their blogs, you should keep in mind that getting there won’t happen overnight. What some bloggers don’t talk about is the amount of time and effort that they needed to invest until they got to the point where they made an excellent monthly salary from their blog.
Consider your blog as your business. This means that you need to make a brand of yourself and offer something valuable to users.
Carefully selected content, expertise in topics that you address, high-quality sources of information, and impactful cooperation are the means that will get you the desired results. Add persistence, determination, and a personal touch to it, and you’ll be all set!
Now I think you are ready to start blogging for money, you can check out my post on how you can start your blog which makes $3746/ month.
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