31+ Top seo experts of the World You Should be following [Massive List]
![31+ Top seo experts of the World You Should be following [Massive List]](/content/images/size/w1200/wordpress/2021/08/Top-SEO-Experts-of-the-World.png)
Guys in this post i am going to list some of the top SEO’s of the world. This list will include all seo experts all over the world. This list will help you to find top seo experts of the world . You guys know SEO is most crucial part for organic success of any website on the internet.
Why SEO Expert List
Preparing this list so that you can get all best SEOs of the world to follow them on their social media channels and gain our SEO knowledge. If you are a brand or company looking to hire SEO professionals for your website then you can contact them for the same.
These top seos in the world are known for their advanced SEO strategies that people follow for their websites.
How this list is created
This list is created after doing research over internet and after talking to some of the top seo’s personally. They have a very deep impact in SEO industry, analysing their experience listing them in this premium list.
Along with top 10 seo experts in the world listing more seos from whom you can learn many seo tactictics and use it for your blog, however if you don’t have your blog you can start one.
31+ List of Top SEO Experts in the World
- Neil Patel (Founder of Neilpatel blog & NPDigital, Country: USA, Twitter: @neilpatel)
- Brian Dean (Founder of Backlinko, Country: USA, Twitter: @Backlinko)
- Rand Fishkin (Founder Moz, currently at Wizard of Moz, Country: USA Twitter:@randfish )
- Guy Sheetrit (CEO of Over the Top SEO)
- Vanessa Fox ( CEO at Keylimetoolbox)
- Eric Enge (Founder & CEO at Stone Temple Marketing)
- Barry Schwartz (CEO of RustyBrick & founder of Search engine Roundtable, Twitter @rustybrick)
- Jeff Quipp (Founder & CEO of Search Engine People Inc, Twitter: @senginepeople)
- Spencer Haws (Founder of Nichepursuits.com, Twitter: @nichep@ursuits)
- Areej AbuAli (Founder of Women in Tech SEO, Twitter: @areej_abuali)
- Dave Davies (Co-founder at Beanstalk Internet Marketing, Twitter: @beanstalkim)
- Dan Taylor (Head of Research & Development / SALT.agency, Twitter: @taylordanrw)
- Jes Scholz (International Digital Director / Ringier AG, Twitter: @jes_scholz)
- Fili Wiese (SEO expert at SearchBrothers.com, Twitter: @filiwiese)
- Ruth Everett (SEO Analyst DeepCrawl, Twitter: @rvtheverett)
- Tyler Reardon (SEO Manager at Chewy, Twitter: @TylerReardon)
- Carolyn Shelby (Technical SEO & News SEO / ESPN, Twitter: @cshel)
- Christoph C. Cemper (Founder & CEO Linkresearchtools, Twitter: @cemper)
- Craig Campbell (Founder at Craig Campbell SEO, Twitter: @craigcampbell03)
- Jackie Chu (Global SEO Lead, Uber, Twitter: @jackiecchu)
- Jeff Ferguson (Partner / Amplitude Digital, Twitter: @countxero)
- Ross Hudgens (Founder & CEO of Siege Media, Twitter: @rosshudgens)
- Cindy Krum (CEO & Founder / MobileMoxie, Twitter: @Suzzicks)
- Jan-Willem Bobbink (Freelance SEO Consultant, Twitter: @jbobbink)
- Valentin Pletzer (SEO head at BurdaForward GmbH, Twitter: @VorticonCmdr)
- Lily Ray (SEO Director / Path Interactive, Twitter: @lilyraynyc)
- Suganthan Mohanadasan (Co-Founder & Technical SEO Lead / Snippet Digital, Twitter: @Suganthanmn)
- Andrea Volpini (CEO of Wordlift, Twitter: @cyberandy)
- Kristopher Jones (Founder of LSEO, Twitter: @krisjonescom)
- Taylor Berg (SEO Manager at Talkspace, Twitter: @taylorannberg)
- Brodie Clark (SEO Consultant / Brodie Clark Consulting, Twitter: @brodieseo)
- Adam Riemer (President / Adam Riemer Marketing, LLC, Twitter: @rollerbladeron)
These were the top SEO geeks around the world leading SEO industry for different sectors and companies. You can also follow these people on twitter if you want to learn SEO for free. Their twitter handles can be your great resources for SEO learning.
You can also reach out to them for SEO services or SEO consultations for your business or website.
Some Recommended SEO tools SEO’s can use:
- Semrush (Get 7 days Free trial)
- AtlasVPN
- The Events Calendar
- JarvisAi
If you want to be added in the list you can email me at amitmishra@tryootech.com to discuss.