why is my blog post not showing on google?

why is my blog post not showing on google?

Why Is My Blog Post Not Showing On Google when you search them on chrome? If so, don’t worry, I will tell you why your blog posts are not visible in chrome when you search for them. Also listed some points how to fix this problem as well.

It’s very common no need to panic or get disturbed; this happens with every Blog and website on the internet. We understand happiness when your articles rank on google.

why is my blog post not showing on google

Creating awesome content requires a lot of effort, energy, money, and time, which is very precious. Bear with me; I will tell you how to make the website visible on google if you cannot find your blogs online.

I will talk about some troubleshooting points that you need to check and perform:

Is your Site Brand New?

Guys if your Blog is brand new then your blog posts take time to get indexed in Google, for fixing this you need to create some social media pages for your Blog at least make pages with your brand name on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Instagram.

Add your website link in the bio of your social media pages to get some visibility and fast indexing, however, indexing will be slow for newly created websites and blogs.

You can use Google Manual Indexing service to force index your pages; however, it is not recommended practice by SEO experts. It can harm your Search Engine Optimization.

Once your Blog and article get indexed by google, it will start showing up on chrome.

Have a Look in Your Drafts

Sometimes people click on the publish button in WordPress, and due to some reason their blog post does not get publish successfully, it may happen due to some internet connection issues or many reasons.

draft section of wordpress blog

Again check your WordPress draft and republish it. Sometimes we schedule posts on WordPress, and due to some reason, our blog post does not get published. In that case, you need to change the status of your post to the public.

Clear Your Local Cache

After publishing a new blog post, you have to clear your local cache to load new cache by your browser to display your recent published article.

Blocked by Robots.txt

We use robots.txt file on our website to block pages like the admin page, author page, theme codes, and category pages from Google Indexing.

With this practice, we avoid duplicate content and URLs. You can see robots.txt file in the root directory of your website. Check if you are blocking your blog pages from Google indexing. If you found your URLs are blocked by robots.txt file, edit it and remove those from robots file.

Hosting is Down

Check if your hosting is down, use good and reliable hosting like Siteground or Bluehost for Better uptime response. If you find your hosting is down, contact your hosting provider and let them know your issue.

However, if you are hosted on low-quality hosts, and that host is penalized by google due to some malicious activities, your site will not index and never display on Google.

Copyright and Trademark Violations

This can be a major issue if your site got any copyright or Trademark violations and reported DMCA for copying content. Google will remove your indexing that might be the reason your website is not visible on Google Chrome.

Let’s discuss some FAQs people ask.

How to get your blog noticed by Google?

If you want to get noticed by google, create long-form quality content on your Blog, and try to get as many shares and engagement on your Blog.

Ask people to leave a comment on your blog posts as you know Google Loves Keyword rich comments and improve your SEO and visibility.

How long does it take for a blog to show up on Google?

Generally, Google indexes a new blog post in a day or two if you are an old blog; however, if you are a news site, then indexing is done within 2 to 5 minutes.

If your Blog is new, indexing your newly created blog posts can take up to 4 to 5 days.

Why is my website not showing up on Google anymore?

If your website is not showing up on google and earlier it was showing, it can be for many reasons:
Your site might hit by recent Google Algorithmic updates; some quality Backlinks may be removed from your website, or now, Google does not find your website trustworthy enough to rank for your desired keywords.

Guys, if you follow the practice as mentioned earlier and troubleshooting tips that will help your Blog to be shown in Google however, indexing and ranking are two different concepts, indexing of your article does not means you will rank higher.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post, do share this post with your friends and let me know your thought and issues related to indexing in the comments section so that I can help you out.