How Many Subscribers Should You Have to Get a Youtube Mystery Box?

How Many Subscribers Should You Have to Get a Youtube Mystery Box?

Wanted to know how many subscribers should you have to get a youtube mystery box? Let me answer straight forward; however; I request you to go through the whole article so that you shall obtain information about my youtube journey glimpse as well to achieve success fast on your Youtube journey.

I am Youtubing for more than four years now and have seen many ups and downs. Before answering your question, let me tell you Youtube reward people on their small achievements.

Youtube creator reward how to claim

Youtube Mystery Box

Once you complete 100K Subscribers on your youtube channel, then you can claim your Silver play button from this page.

And, once you reach 1 Million Subscribers on your Youtube Channel, then you are eligible for Gold play button which you call mystery box from Youtube.

Youtube creator milestone rewards, creator awards

The top award youtube creators can get is Diamond creator award which we also call Diamond play button.

As of now, I have 324,000 Subscribers on my youtube channel Amit Mishra (Tryootech), and I make videos in the Hindi language which is catering to Indian audience only. However, I have also started one English youtube channel with the name Amit Mishra [English].

Every new YouTuber wants to get more subscribers and views on their videos fast however they don’t have patience, to get success on youtube and claim the rewards you have to be very disciplined about your channel.

In my case, I make 2 to 3 videos a week. I focus more on quality instead of quantity. If you focus on providing value rather than counting the number of how many videos have you published yet on your channel then my dear friend, you are not going to last long on Youtube.

Creating genuine content that your subscribers want will result in getting more Youtube subscribers on your channel. Also, keep in mind that you will not get the second chance to show your first impression.

That’s why you have to make quality videos rich with knowledge, information, excellent audio, superior video if you want that person should subscribe your channel on the first impression. To maintain my video quality, I am using types of equipment which are in my budget and anyone can afford.

You can click here and check out my production gear for the videos.

Let’s discuss some FAQs people ask related to Youtube Creator Awards:

What happens when you get 10000 subscribers on YouTube?

There is no difference nowadays, the benefits you were getting after completing 10K subscribers on youtube you can get these benefits once you complete your 1000 subscribers. I can say if you have more than 10000 subscribers on your Youtube channel, you start making more money through Google Adsense and other mediums.

You get access to youtube Stories, Community tab, more reach once you complete 10K subs.

Do you get a YouTube Play button for 10000 subs?

Yes, sometimes if you are a very famous brand or celebrity and have brand mentions all over the internet, then you can expect youtube play button for 10k subscribers. If you are a regular creator like me, then you have first to complete 100,000 subscribers to claim your award officially.

Is there a play button for 100 subscribers?

No, there is no play button for 100 subs you have to have at least 100000 subscribers to get one.

You can read here more about Creator Award Programs.

What’s the highest YouTube Play button?

Youtube offered custom made Ruby play button to one of the wealthiest YouTuber PewDiePie. Till date, youtube had made only one ruby play button that is the highest award for any youtube creator. Diamond play button is the most popular highest reward for YouTubers on completing 10 Million Youtube Subscribers.

Is YouTube Play button real gold?

According to prominent tech creators and Wikipedia, it contains gold plated brass, not real gold.

If you want to achieve your youtube award fast, then keep calm and create quality content with consistency. Share your thoughts about youtube mystery box and questions in the comment section. Do share this post with your YouTuber friends.