Add Live Chat Widgets to Increase Your Website Sales

Add Live Chat Widgets to Increase Your Website Sales

It is Found that Website with Live Chats gets more Sales, Today I’m going to Show You How to Add Live Chat Widgets to your Blog. Just Follow our Simple Method to Add Live Chat.

Live chats are one of the popular methods to solve your customer’s problem right away.

I love Live chats because when the users solve their question when they are still online to your website then the chances are you will get more sales.

Let’s think it as an example if you own the company in which you provide Hostings to your audience and let’s think that a person named Keshav has some confusion about Pricing,

Now, he compared pricing with 2nd websites and again he gets same confusion but the second website have live chats and Keshav gets his problem solved within minutes.

You lose the sales and other websites get sales, read this full article to know some facts about live chats and how to add live chat to your website.

Companies like [eafl id=”583″ name=”Bluehost affiliate” text=”Bluehost”] and [eafl id=”586″ name=”Godaddy” text=”Godaddy”] are using it and they have a great result.

Nowadays, time is very important for everyone and no ones want to wait 24 hours for your reply.

I think you are getting what I am trying to say, Live chats are very important especially for websites which provide some kind services.

Some Facts About Live Chat!

Let’s show you What’s Customer Wants, According to

Add Live Chat

See the image above and it shows that, Live chats provide higher customer satisfaction than any other platform like email and apps.

Customer Satisfaction Rate with Different types of Support Platform.

• Live Chat – 73%

• Email – 61%

• Apps – 53%

• Post – 50%

• Social Media – 48%

• Phone – 44%

• SMS – 41%

One thing I Like about Live Chats is You Will Get Leads (Email) and your Customer gets Instant Support.

Let’s Look Why is Live Chat Preferred?

Add Live Chats
Source –

Wow! 79% People preferred live chats because “They got their answers immediately“.

So, this is the amazing power of live chat to increase your website conversion rate, now let’s check out how to add live chat to your blog or websites.

How to Add Live Chat to your Website or Blog

There are many live chats services but today I will tell you about 2 services that is Zopim and Tawk.

About Zopim Live Chat Service

Zopim is a great and well professional chat widgets and it is software developed by zendesk. They have a good image in the market.

Zopim Live Chat

They have such a professional look and have a good support if you have any doubts.

To add this live chat to your Website then Sign up on and follow the step by step guide that they will send you in the email to add this live widget to your websites.

• Also Read – How Digital Marketing Will Help You

• Also Read – What Is Email Marketing?

Features of Zopim

• Real-time Monitoring

• Agent Reports

• Chat Reports

• Triggers (Automated)

See More Features of Zopim

My Reviews for Zopim4.2/5

About Tawk Live Chat Service is a Free Live Chat Service, I’ve good experience using it and one thing that I like about it is you have to only pay if you want to add your watermark or using any external services otherwise all things are free and will be a good start for you.

Tawk Live Chat Service

To add this Live Chat Service go to and create your account, they will send you an email and just follow the step by step guides to using it on your website.

Features of

• Real-time Monitoring 

• Automated Triggers

• Customizable Widgets

• 100+ Integration

• Remove Branding

• 1880+ Emoji

• See More Features of Tawk

My Reviews for Tawk4.7/5

I personally recommend tawk but you can use zopim too because both are best.

One More Fact – 83% of consumers need some kind of customer support when making an online purchase? And 45% of customers abandon an online transaction if their questions or concerns are not addressed quickly – Zendesk

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